Technology Russian opposition files lawsuit against Moscow’s use of facial recognition tech follow-up Mariam Kiparoidze
Technology Revealed: New videos expose China’s forced migration of Uyghurs during the pandemic Dozens of Chinese TikTok videos show Uyghurs being transported to work in involuntary labor schemes during the Covid-19 outbreak feature Isobel Cockerell
Technology Surveillance of minority Muslims in southern Thailand is powered by Chinese-style tech Mandatory biometric registration has left many Malay Muslims distrustful of the state and concerned about how new technologies will impact their lives dispatch Nithin Coca
Technology The UK spent millions on a Covid-19 tracking app and then abandoned it follow-up Mariam Kiparoidze
Technology Scaled-up surveillance: the EU builds a massive biometric database An upcoming biometrics repository will hold the records of 300 million people and could hand a potentially powerful surveillance tool to its member states dispatch Daniel Trilling
Technology Face matching and digital avatars coming to the EU's borders Across Europe, leaders have been desperately seeking new ways to secure borders. Concerns over migration have contributed to the evolution of new forms of authoritarian technology dispatch Cara Tabachnick and Denise Hruby
Technology I tested the UK's coronavirus app. Here's what I found The British government is testing a tracking and tracing app on a small island off the coast of England. Its success could determine how the coronavirus pandemic is contained elsewhere dispatch Amber Beard
Technology India was already a surveillance state. Its Covid-19 app goes even further Concerns about the government’s new contact-tracing software stretch back more than a decade, to its controversial biometric data scheme dispatch Gautama Mehta
Technology Tech company's ties to white supremacism trigger debate on surveillance algorithms Revelations call for transparency in how artificial intelligence is used by law enforcement dispatch Brett Bachman
Technology “I became a pariah.” Coronavirus victims’ data is leaked on social media in Pakistan Using cellphone tracking and mobile apps to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the government is surveilling millions of ordinary citizens dispatch Ramsha Jahangir
Technology From mythology to machine learning, a history of artificial intelligence While AI now powers smart cities, driverless cars and home appliances, ethical concerns about the technology have existed for centuries feature Katia Patin
Technology Coronavirus tests Germans’ devotion to privacy New initiatives to limit the spread of Covid-19 have sparked a debate over how far the government can go to control the pandemic dispatch Eduard Saakashvili