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Russia distributes WWII Victory Ribbons in Damascus

The Kremlin’s media arm Russia Today and local student groups at Damascus University distributed 1,500 orange and black striped ribbons at the university in preparation for the upcoming anniversary of the end of WWII, reports NewsRu. St. George’s Ribbon is Russia’s main symbol of victory over Hitler’s Germany that has more recently also been embraced by “traditional-value” and “anti-Maidan” groups in Russia and by Russian-backed forces in Eastern Ukraine as a symbol of the “Russian World.”

Organizers plan to hand out ribbons next in Aleppo and Latakia, according to NewsRu.

“This victory symbol is important for us and we recognize and honor it,” said the head of the Russian department at the university, NewsRu reported. “Like you have your symbol of victory against fascism, we would like to have our own symbol and celebration of victory against terrorism. With the help of Russia, we will win.”

NewsRu added that for some groups, the ribbon is also symbol of imperialistic foreign policy in former Soviet countries and other regions where Russia has strategic interests.