China’s destructive development in Cambodia celebrated by state media
China’s official state press agency Xinhua published an article early last week celebrating that over 80% of Cambodia’s rural population now has access to clean water and sanitation. This is due, apparently, in large part to China-aided development projects. The pro-Cambodian government Khmer Times published a similar article.
These types of articles — lauding China for bringing clean water to rural Cambodia — are relatively common in Chinese and Cambodian state media alike. Ironically, but unsurprisingly, another similarity is what Chinese and Cambodian state media both leave out: the widespread and serious environmental harm that Chinese development has brought to Cambodia.
Xinhua, for one, has published several articles celebrating China-aided rural water supply projects. One headline reads, “Crystal clear, Cambodians thank China for wells, ponds of healthy water.” Another Xinhua story from 2020 bears the headline, “Chinese clean water project helps improve livelihood in Cambodia’s rural areas.”
China is indeed supporting clean water initiatives in rural Cambodia, but, to varying degrees, China is also tied to environmentally destructive projects, Alex Gonzalez-Davidson, a co-founder of the environmental group Mother Nature Cambodia, told me.
Hydroelectric dams are particularly destructive, he said. Most infamously, the development of the massive Lower Sesan 2 dam in Cambodia’s Mekong River Basin has displaced thousands of people. Fishery yields also plummeted.
Moreover, China is tied to rampant illegal logging, which contributes to deforestation and is also often linked to poaching. Some of these projects have caused Cambodians to lose their land and their livelihoods.
“Many of them have not treated the environment very seriously,” Ian Baird, a geography professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, told me about these damaging projects. “They haven’t set up robust systems to mitigate impacts or look for alternative plans that would reduce impacts.”
A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. responded to my questions by saying he was “not aware of the details. “But, he added, “China’s projects in other countries have always focused on environmental protection and sustainable development.”
By focusing on the good, state media are likely looking to distract readers from the bad, Gonzalez-Davidson told me. But this kind of media coverage skews what’s happening on the ground, painting an unduly rosy picture over the grim reality, he added.
Water, the Chinese embassy spokesman said, relentlessly focusing on the good, “is a resource on which people depend for their survival. It is natural that the development of clean water resources benefits people’s livelihood and attracts attention.”
According to Wisconsin professor Baird, the media reports are not “fabrications, but they’re focusing on certain things, and not on other things. And that’s manipulating people’s understanding of what’s going on.”
It’s hard to say whether this is propaganda in the form of a concerted media campaign. Even if it’s not, this overly positive press still underscores the desires of Chinese and Cambodian elites to forge ahead with development at all costs. The Cambodian public largely opposes Chinese development, according to Gonzalez-Davidson, but these elites want to continue lining their pockets — the environment be damned.
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Lilly Simon, a 33-year-old Brooklynite, has neurofibromatosis type 1, a condition that causes tumors to grow all over her body. She was filmed on the New York City subway without her permission. The video, which claimed Simon had monkeypox, was posted to TikTok where it went viral. She hit back at hysterical TikTok users in a video response – and gave a powerful interview to the New York Times, which we recommend reading.
This newsletter is curated by Coda’s senior reporter Isobel Cockerell. Erica Hellerstein and Rebekah Robinson contributed to this edition.