Traditional Values Clash of Narratives: A Tale of Two Georgias Episode Two: Whose West Is it Anyway? video Coda Story
Information War Why has a Kremlin-controlled news network become a hit in the West? Coda asked westerners why they trust news from a network whose head has a direct phone line to the Kremlin feature Katia Patin
Information War Outside Looking In: A Russian filmmaker fights censorship from abroad Vitaly Mansky’s film festival Artdocfest is thriving despite tightening restrictions on dissent in Russia feature Katya Kumkova
Traditional Values Clash of Narratives: A Tale of Two Georgias Episode One: Freedom vs. Tradition Coda Story
Information War Trump: making Russia great Again How did Russian media cover the U.S. inauguration? dispatch Giorgi Lomsadze
Information War How sloppy reporting in the US can fuel Russian disinformation Russian state media were quick to pick up on the Washington Times reporting fake news dispatch Amy Mackinnon
Traditional Values Murder in St. Petersburg: how disinformation killed a journalist Russia’s campaign for family values has unleashed hateful rhetoric and lethal violence against gays dispatch Amy Mackinnon
Information War Meet Russia Today’s all-American satirist Comedian Lee Camp scoffs at allegations that his show is Kremlin propaganda dispatch Eduard Saakashvili
Traditional Values The true story of Georgia’s infamous sausage feud Coda embeds with Georgia’s ‘sausage extremists’ and discovers the untold story dispatch Giorgi Lomsadze
Traditional Values In St. Petersburg a psychiatrist’s secret effort to help transgender Russians After being forced from his job, Russia’s top transgender specialist now sees some of his patients in secret feature Katia Patin
Information War Иван Великий: подтасовка истории в угоду новой империи С чем связана мода на Ивана Грозного в России? Coda Story
Information War In Putin’s Russia, Ivan the Terrible becomes Ivan the Terrific As Russia’s past is remade, its cruelest leader is a figure to admire not abhor dispatch Ekaterina Ponomareva
Information War Separating fact from fiction in Russia’s ‘Information Wars’ Can the West respond to Moscow’s information attacks without using the same tactics? essay Peter Pomerantsev