Giorgi Lomsadze

Giorgi Lomsadze

Giorgi Lomsadze is a freelance reporter covering news from the former Soviet Union with an emphasis on politics. The South Caucasus is his main focus. He covered the region for over 15 years and was published in many international publications.

Coda на русском
Georgia's parliamentary elections plagued by rekindled dispute about the border with Azerbaijan
Пограничная линия. Как грузинских картографов обвиняют в измене за то, что они якобы пытались отдать Азербайджану спорную территорию
Rewriting History
Georgia's parliamentary elections plagued by rekindled dispute about the border with Azerbaijan
Drawing borders on a map leads to charges of treason
Communion in the time of coronavirus
Moscow stirs fear of American germs
Small gay rights rally held in Tbilisi amid fears of violence
Georgia’s condemned condoms
Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep?
Rewriting History
To bury, or not to bury? Russia undecided about legendary Hadji Murad’s skull
Putin Pop: A Guide to Russia’s Most Patriotic Music Genre
Trump: making Russia great Again