Forgotten revolutionaries Ukraine’s LGBT community depends on the West to defend their rights dispatch Ian Bateson
The absent activists Silicon Valley’s extraordinarily wealthy and powerful companies, which have advocated forcefully for LGBTQ rights throughout America, are remaining silent about Putin’s anti-gay laws as they pursue the Russian market feature Alan Deutschman
The primetime bombshell What happened when a Russian celebrity revealed his HIV positive status on live TV dispatch Anna Nemtsova
Legal circuses Kafkaesque legal wranglings against activists have succeeded in shutting down a gay rights movement in Russia. These four cases paved the way feature Olga Kravets
Politics and Repression How longtime Russian political activists are often overlooked in the West feature Leonid Ragozin
Russia’s invisible children How one outreach forum for LGBT teens has been forced to adapt to growing pressure from politicians and the public dispatch Anna Yalovkina
In and out in ‘90s Russia An observer looks back on what’s changed, and what hasn’t, for gays in Russia feature David Tuller
Armenia’s ostracized minority A photographer challenges bias and hate in Yerevan feature Nazik Armeniakian
No room for humor How one journalist used satire to cover the 2013 Russian law against homosexual “propaganda” — and why he could not do it now dispatch Pavel Kanygin
Political Violence, Inc. How attacks on Russia’s LGBT community are sub-contracted introduction Ilan Greenberg
The Kremlin’s Reach Why Moscow’s ‘gay propaganda’ law spread beyond Russia introduction Amy Mackinnon
The Kremlin and the Cross Shared interests have pulled Putin’s government and the Orthodox Church closer together. But how long will their embrace last? introduction Ilan Greenberg
Europe, Putin, and the ‘Gayropa’ Bait The Kremlin’s messaging on gay rights issues has little to do with beliefs introduction Peter Pomerantsev
On the frontiers of the “Russian World” How homosexuality got caught up in the war in eastern Ukraine introduction Natalia Antelava